Saturday, August 11, 2007

Two Sold

Click Image to see larger version in my gallery

14 x 9 in  -  36 x 22 cm
Click Image to see larger version in my gallery

14 x 10 in  -  36 x 25 cm.    

Today is the last day of the Wokingham and District Art Group show. Two of my paintings have sold, which is very pleasing.

I framed these two a year ago as part of my submission to join the art group. While there is alot about them, that I like, there is a lot that I wish was better. But isn't that the way with the world.


  1. "sold" is such a nice word!!! I very much like the composition of the first one! Amelia

  2. Congratulations on the sales. Doesn't it feel good!!

    Cheers JJ

  3. I have been enthralled by your raw talent. You capture "something", though I am not sure what the "something" is!
