Thursday, October 18, 2007

Roof of Casa Batlo

Click Image to see larger version in my gallery

14 x 10 in  -  36 x 25 cm.    
This was inspired by a photo I took in Barcelona a couple of years ago on the roof of Gaudi's famous Casa Batlo which was built for a well to do merchant who had made his money from fish, hence Gaudi's use of the fish scales motif. Does the painting work? In parts it does, but in parts not.

If we are 'fessing up' to language of the US cop show then I have to admit that I have tweaked the colour up a notch or two on the reference. The December day we were there was very dull. The reference photo is now much more is what you would have seen on a bright winters day.

1 comment:

  1. im doing a project for my art work and need to paint something to do with antoni gaudi
    this is a really nice painting and you have inspired me given me some really good ideas
    thankyou and gorgeous painting
